Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It's been a while.

So dorm living is starting to get on my nerves. I miss having privacy.
Roommate is always on the phone with Girlfriend. Always jamming. Negro Neighbors are always hogging the mutual bathroom. I'm sick of waking up to find my own bathroom locked from the other side, but I don't want to know what would happen to me if I were to bust it open on some naked black booty.
I'm finding myself doing really stupid things in my dorm room just to keep my days here interesting. Balloon Party is taking place tonight with Roommate! Hey, whatever gets me through the rest of the year.
If you're reading this, do you have any paint chips I could have? It would be lovely.


Sunday, March 1, 2009


It's incredible how much a three-day weekend can change my attitude.
My roommate just walked in with his homemade didgeridoo of PVC pipe. He's making some interesting noises.
I really need to stop starting three different art projects at once and working on them at the same time.
I've got plenty of upcoming events on my calendar, and I'm pretty excited about it.
I'm ready to attack the remainder of the school year and get it over with.
I have a lot of work and thinking to do this week. I hope I can handle it all with having another mental breakdown by Thursday.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thoughts on life.

So I've come to the conclusion lately that people are assholes.
That's right. Big ole assholes.
Every single one of them.


Monday, February 9, 2009

Do I Have It?

As I sat in my history class today, I was made aware that Asian immigrants were not well liked among natives and other immigrants in the U.S. during the late nineteenth century. This was referred to as "yellow peril," almost literally meaning "fear of Asians." As my teacher continued her lecture, I started to wonder if I myself have yellow peril. I can't remember being prejudice to any ethnicity or culture, but when I think about it, I've only had maybe a couple of Asian American friends in my lifetime (elementary school,) and rarely do I find myself talking to one, much less surrounded by them. Is Mississippi's supply of Chinese a bit short, or have I just been avoiding them for years and not realizing it? Do I have yellow peril? Just a thought.

-Zack, aborigine copycat.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Oh, and By the Way.


I'm terribly sorry I abandoned you after only one use. That's probably like the golden rule of blogging, isn't it?

Anywho, I'm back.

I thought this image would better get my message across.

Could It Be?

that my beloved art school is moving to the wretched town of Columbus, Mississippi? What on earth will I do there?

Word on the street is that Bill 1555 is floating around the state capitol as of now, stating that sum bitchezz want to move the school in which I'm currently enrolled to the MS School for Math and Science campus.

So in response, I have just a few questions for you, Cecil Brown.

If you and your fancy house schlep our poor school to The W,
where am I going to buy sandwiches?
What if they don't have as many sidewalks?
Who will pretend to be Harry Potter with me?
Where will Mrs. O'Hara put her tattoo parlor?
What if I don't have enough dorm space all of my cereals?
What if MSMS students are all much larger than us?
How the hell do I get to Columbus?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

And so begins a new era of blogging.

My day at art school has not gone as well as I had planned. On my way to breakfast, I made it almost to the first floor without realizing my zipper was undone. I hope no one saw, not because I am embarrassed, but because I would be disappointed in finding they noticed and weren't even polite enough to let a brother know.

As I enjoyed my lovely twenty minute break earlier today, Mrs. Fitzsimmons caught me pop the strap on the device carrying Primrose's jugulars. She was not pleased. Not only did she require me to apologize to Primrose, but to her as well. This puzzled me. I can not recall pulling on Mrs. Fitzsimmons's bra strap, nor would I ever do so, especially in front of all of those people inside the computer lab.

(Sighing) I'm not excited thinking about what the rest of this day has in store for me. I'll have to avoid Mrs. Fitzsimmons for the time being.

I'll have lots more fun on here later, so check back soon. I'll keep you posted. Get it?